    Artistic cooperations are always utterly exciting and special. Some of the projects were done in cooperation either with other fashion designers or with different companies and cultural organizations in need of exclusive, eye-catching, unique headpieces or decoration for their promotion campaigns.

    Diamond lampshade for shop window - Pentlja Concept Store Ljubljana 2015

    Flower design for retail interior - Pentlja Concept Store Ljubljana 2018

    PP Book chandeliers for Regional Book Fair - EPK Maribor 2012

    PP Book lamp for public interior - Salon of applied arts Maribor 2013

    Book lamp

    PP Diamond chandeliers - cooperation with painter Borut Popenko 2018

    PP Headpiece for Fashion Editorial - Ljubljana Fashion Week - April-april 2018

    PP Headpiece & earrings for Fashion Editorial - Revolver Heart 2018

    PP Headpiece for Event plus 2018

    PP Headpiece for Fashion Editorial - A-Mash 2013

    PP Headpiece for Fashion Editorial - Revolver Heart 2018

    PP Headpiece for Fashion Editorial - Revolver Heart 2018

    PP Headpiece for Fashion Editorial - Revolver Heart 2018

    PP Headpieces for Intra lighting - Light + Building - Fair Frankfurt 2018

    PP Headpieces for UGM exhibition - Vlasta Zorko 2018

    PP Headpieces for Vangardist - Future ball Vienna 2018

    PP headwear for fashion show - Dualik